Sometimes, the STAYONHOST and
STAYBELOW attributes do not give enough
selection ability to include only those things that you want included.
The parser looks for so called exclusion lists in form of text
files. It first loads the file $HOME/.plucker/exclusionlist.txt
(if it exists), then it loads exclusionlist.txt in the directory
you specified with the -p flag (again, only if
it exists) and finally it loads any files specified on the command line
using the -E option and/or found in the
configuration file. A default exclusionlist.txt file is included
with Plucker.
The filter options in the exclusion list has a very flexible format:
Leading and trailing white space is ignored and empty lines or lines
starting with a '#' are considered comments.
0:-:.*\.mp3$ 0:-:.*\.wav$ ## Ignore known advertisement sites: 0:-:http://.*ad\.de\.doubleclick\.net/.* 0:-:http://.*ad\.linkexchange\.com/.*